We believe that every person is created with unique talents that God calls us to use to expand His Kingdom. That means you have giftings that God wants you to use to bless others.
Here are just a few ways you can serve with the community of Trinity:
- Children’s Ministry (teaching, set-up, check-in, caring for infants, clean-up)
- Student Ministry (mentoring, leading discussion, planning events, school connections)
- Worship/Music (instrument, vocals)
- Sound/AV (lights, soundboard, video, slides)
- Outreach (community events, missions, benevolence)
- Hospitality (greeters, ushers, guest connections)
- Prayer Partners
- Plus, additional opportunities to teach and lead.
If you are interested in getting plugged in please email: or call: 920-324-2400.
Don’t know what your gift is? We have a tool will might help you discern how you are naturally wired. Take the “Spiritual Gifts Test” located under the “Connect” tab. Once you have taken the test you’ll see your results immediately displayed at the bottom. If you fill out your contact info, we will put you in touch with a leader at Trinity who can help you plug-in to an area that your passionate and gifted in.
Decorating the church for Christmas